Monday, November 25, 2019

COF1MRKT1436_questionnaire_F Essays - Consumer Behaviour, Business

COF1MRKT1436_questionnaire_F Essays - Consumer Behaviour, Business Questionnaire for the study of consumer purchase, consumption behaviour patterns and promotional strategies Adopted for marketing by Malaysian small firms (Information collected are used only for statistical analysis purpose and firms personal identity will not be revealed) 1.Firms Name: _____________________ 2.Gender : Male Female 3.Age : 4.Race : Malay Indian Chinese 5.Qualification : Certificate/SPM Diploma Bachelor Degree Master Degree 6. Specify your firms category: __________________________________ 7.Legal Form: Sole proprietorship Partnership Private Limited 8.Specify the number of Owners: ________________ 9.Specify the number of employees in your firm: ______________ Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Customer orientation 10.Quality of service Do you think quality of service improves customer orientation? Strongly dis-agree Dis-agree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 11.Number of existing customers Do you think number of existing customer contribute to customer orientation? Strongly dis-agree Dis-agree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 12.Customer satisfaction index Do you think customer satisfaction index influences customer orientation? Strongly dis-agree Dis-agree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 13.Customer intention to re-order the product Do you think customer intention to re-order the product improves customer orientation? Strongly dis-agree Dis-agree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 14.Trust Do you think customers trust influences customer orientation? Strongly dis-agree Dis-agree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 15.Deployment Do you think taking actions to deploy customer orientation throughout the organization influences customer orientation? Strongly dis-agree Dis-agree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Competitor orientation 16.Number of competitors Do you think number of competitors influences competitor orientation? Strongly dis-agree Dis-agree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 17.Competitors market share Do you think competitors market share influences competitor orientation? Strongly dis-agree Dis-agree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 18.Competitors attraction- price Do you think competitors price influences competitor orientation? Strongly dis-agree Dis-agree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 19.Competitors attraction- quality Do you think competitors quality influences competitor orientation? Strongly dis-agree Dis-agree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Inter-Functional coordination 20.Coordination within a level Do you think coordination within a level influences Inter-Functional coordination? Strongly dis-agree Dis-agree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 21.Coordination among different levels Do you think coordination among different level influences Inter-Functional coordination? Strongly dis-agree Dis-agree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 22.Flow of control Do you think flow of control influences Inter-Functional coordination? Strongly dis-agree Dis-agree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 23.Interpersonal relationship Do you think interpersonal relationship influences Inter-Functional coordination? Strongly dis-agree Dis-agree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Performance 24.Please specify your annual return on investment. _________________ 25.Please specify you Growth rate of sales. _______________________ 26.Please specify your Rate of customer retention. ___________________ Thanks for your cooperation.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Application Personal Statement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Application Personal Statement - Essay Example In line with this, I facilitated the selling of various computer and video games as well as other utility and office software among others. To effectively fulfill this position, one should need to have the passion for the game industry and computer technology in general. From my working experience, I am able to gain substantial knowledge with regard to these subject matters. For instance, I observed that majority of the game software sold in the market are made in Japan. With this, I realized the immensity of the game industry in Japan as relatively more computer and video games are launched from the country than in any other nations in the world. In addition, I observed the degree of specialization of the Japanese game industry as more people are employed to work in developing a particular game as compared to their Western counterpart. After further research, I learned that the United States and Japan are the largest markets for computer and video games in the world as indicated by the popularity of Microsoft's Xbox (US-made) and Sony's Playstation (Japan-made). In this industry, there is intense competition between these products, however, Playstation is still the market leader in terms of sales to date due to the wider selection of teen adult games offered and the creative game design. Given my fascination with the industry, I also learned that in the United States alone, the entire industry is able t... Apart from the game industry, my previous employment has made me well aware of the importance as well as how the quality of life has improved with the advent of computer technology. In this regard, I aspire to make substantial contributions in this field by bringing about the development in information technology as may be required in the future. With my involvement in the game shop, I also learned that the entire industry is plagued with illegal activities such as hacking and piracy. I reckon that these significant issues may be address by the further development of computer technology by computer engineers and scientists of our generation. Moreover, my experience has inspired me to develop new game machines and software that will have positive net effect to the public. My exposure to different types of customers in the game shop helps me understand that one of the primary concerns for computer innovation and technological inventions is their overall impact to the users. This is a vital part of the ethics of computer technology. In order to succeed, one should be aware of this responsibility towards the public and provide them with high quality and beneficial products. With my inclination in the game industry and computer technology as a whole, I believe that it is in my best interest to major in a computer-related course in this University. This academic institution offers comprehensive curricula and rigorous training that bring out the best in its students. Furthermore, it employs highly competitive professors, who are experts in their respective fields, from whom students can learn efficiently. (Word count: 600

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Business Risk in an Uncertain Global Economy Essay - 1

Business Risk in an Uncertain Global Economy - Essay Example The primary risks related to the global volatility are the interest rate risk, currency risk, country risk. All the three are related to each other and have a cascading effect over each other (Skipper & Kwon, 2007, pp. 20-23). Interest rate risks are related to the magnitude and probability of the unanticipated changes in the interest rates that exert an influence over the cost of various sources of capital in a specific currency denomination of an economy and others related economies and the demand for the products. The effects are considered in measuring the exposure of the overall interest rate changes. Currency risk has been related to the magnitude and probability of the uncertain changes taking place in the exchange rate and the inflation rates that is n the value of the foreign and domestic money. On the other hand the country risks refer to the enormity and probability of the changes in the country’s productivity development. Country risks are primarily related to the aggregate demand influencing the scale of production which in turn is affected by the political risk and global economical risks. The country risk exerts an influence over the business related risk and decision making policies of each business operating within the country premises. A firm competitive risk basically refers to the enormity and probability of the uncertain changes in the business specific conditions in addition to the industry specific and demand condition affected by the interest rate, currency rate and country risks (Oxelheim & Wihlborg, 2008, pp. 20-25). Instances can be derived from the global turbulence situation which Bank of England faced during 2013 and how they dealt with such situation. As per the governor of the Bank Of England, â€Å"Over two years now we have seen the situation in the euro area get worse and the problem being pushed down the road† (BBC News Business, June 2012). From the statement it can be assured that individuals in the business o rganizations, the firm itself and the government primarily deal with such uncertainties arising out of the volatile economy by executing certain risk management processes. Financial Management Theories, communication and initiatives: Financial management theories are related to the financial risks. Financial risks generate from the individual’s or the firm’s possession or usage of the financial instruments. The financial risk can evolve through various sources such as interest rates, issuance of stocks, credit extensions, and transaction of foreign currencies and also through various usages of derivatives. So it assures that the business incorporate the defaulter risk within its operations. Any firm when extend the credit to their customers suffers from the financial risk that someone will default. So as the individual also sustains the financial risk while borrowing money from the business enterprises like bank for fulfillment of their personal needs of like buying ho use, cars, making investments etc. Financial risks are primarily external towards the business and the individual and therefore are less subjected to the direct control of the same. On the other hand, they involve a careful and specific selection of the financial instruments (Pixley, 2004, pp. 1- 17). The financial management theories related to the financial risks can be divided into financial market risks, operational risks and the strategic risks. The

Monday, November 18, 2019

Obesity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Obesity - Essay Example At the same time, demands of profession and education require the individual to be less-involved in quality food preparation in this age group with less free time available in contemporary society to seek appropriate exercise and fitness options. It is because of the lifestyles and risks in this age group that a health promotion activity to promote better eating and exercise is being proposed. The Research Findings The Centers for Disease Control (2012) indicates that approximately 25 percent of women between 20 and 30 are considered obese. Though this is significantly lower than other age groups with higher prevalence of obesity, it should be considered that the 20-30 year old age group in society is one of the lowest in terms of total national population percentages. Between 2009 and 2010, there was no reduction in obesity ratios in women, which illustrates that existing health promotion campaigns and other obesity initiatives are not meeting with the psycho-social characteristics prevalent with young females. Of this entire female age group, the majority of obese women are non-Hispanic black females, indicating that this particular ethnic sub-group of 20-30 year old women have unique lifestyle characteristics that contribute to obesity growth. Women between the ages of 20 and 30 are also in the population category that has the fastest increases in obesity compared to the rest of the national population. A study involving 555 women between 20 and 34 found that 63 percent of these women were obese as measured by the World Health Organization body mass index testing (Parrish, 2010). This study supports a finding which has identified that the type of foods purchased is strongly linked to income levels and the choices that women select related to their perceptions of health benefits. It is commonly known that younger females in this age category maintain unequal pay to their younger male peers in the professional organization and many are under-employed. Thus, it becomes more cost-effective for women between 20 and 30 to select cheaper food options congruent to their lower incomes in this particular age bracket. Contributions to the Program The CDC statistics illustrating that 25 percent of women between 20 and 30 being obese contributes highly to this program intention. By understanding just how many women are affected by obesity, it can help select an appropriate target audience and how best to establish an exercise routine that is effective based on lifestyle. The study involving such a high percentage of women being obese by Parrish (2010) acknowledges that obesity rates are significantly higher when measured against body mass index. Further, the linkage between incomes can provide new health imperatives to reduce this rapid phenomenon of weight gain and provide cost-effective solutions that are in-line with budget restraints for the younger female between 20 and 30. The goal of the program is to provide comprehensive knowledge about ex ercise and health lifestyles, which also includes food selections and preparation. It would be fundamentally defeating to the program to not identify the specific ethnic profiles and frequency of obesity within this group before selecting an appropriate strategy for combating this problem and improving young female health

Friday, November 15, 2019

Social and Economic Impact of Tuberculosis

Social and Economic Impact of Tuberculosis Introduction Overview Tuberculosis is a common and infectious communicable disease that is caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis. It is of two principle kinds: pulmonary TB, which usually attacks the lungs, and extra-pulmonary TB, which attacks any part of the body, such as: the lymphatic, pleural, bone and/or joint, genitourinary, miliary, peritoneal, meninges and/or central nervous system (CNS), and all other sites combined. Pulmonary TB sometimes combined with extra pulmonary tuberculosis (Parimon, 2008; Sreeramareddy et al., 2008; Friedman, 2001). Tuberculosis is spread in form of droplets which are expelled when the infected persons cough, sneeze, speak, or sing. Close, prolonged, frequent, or intense contacts are the main ways that leads to 22% of the infection rate. Other resources include: foreign-born from areas where TB is common, residents and employees living in plagued congregate settings, health care workers who serve severely infected clients, low-income populations, highly inflicted racial or ethnic minority populations, children exposed to severely infected adults, and persons who inject illicit drugs. Extra pulmonary TB that occurs outside the lungs may spread through lymphatic or hematogenous dissemination to any tract or through coughing and swallowing to the gastrointestinal tract. Such a type of bacteria may remain dormant for years at a particular site before causing the disease. Since extra pulmonary TB can affect virtually all organs, it has a wide variety of clinical manifestations. A matter which causes difficulty and delay in its diagnosis (Mehta, 1991; Gonzalez et al., 2003). Though, it is said to be more often diagnosed in women and young patients (Rieder et al., 1990; Gonzalez et al., 2003; Yang et al., 2004; Noertjojo et al., 2002; Cowie and Sharpe, 1997; Antony et al., 1995; Chan-Yeung et al.,2002). In the United States, extra pulmonary TB is associated with ethnic minorities and with those born in other countries (Rieder et al., 1990) while in Asia, lymphatic TB occupies the front position of the risky infectious diseases (Cowie and Sharpe, 1997, 1998; Moudgil and Leitch, 1994; Nisar et al., 1991; Ormerod, et al., 1991). A study of Somali TB patients in Minnesota showed frequent lymphatic TB as well (Kempainen, et al., 2001). In HIV-infected patients, the frequency of extra pulmonary TB depends on the degree of decrease in cellular immunity (Huebner and Castro, 1995; Barnes,, 1991). While in patients with

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

king :: essays research papers

Patriotism   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Patriotism. The very sound of the word brings to my heart feelings of loyalty and pride. I feel loyalty for my country and my country's ideals, and I feel pride for those before me who fought and sacrificed much for the freedom of my beloved country. I love and honor my country. I feel a sense of duty to this country that has been my home since my birth. As I turn the pages of our country's history, I am inspired by those who have spoken out and fought against those who have threatened our country's security and ideals. Our forefathers had dreams of a nation with liberty and justice for all. They gave all they had, every single ounce of strength, to make that dream a reality. They waged war against one of the most powerful empires of the time so that they could remain true to their ideals. Martin Luther King Jr. was willing to lead a movement against segregation in our nation. He had the courage to tell our nation that its policy of segregation was wrong. To me, that is true patriotism: not only being willing to fight for our country but willing to try to change it so that our ideals are preserved. I implore upon you, the youth of America, to fight to keep the flame of patriotism alive. We are the authors of our country's future. We must dig dip inside ourselves and find the courage and determination to dream of a greater and nobler country. We, as the future of this country, must dedicate ourselves to this cause and stay true to the ideals of those before us. Patriotism is defined as a love for or a devotion to one’s country. With the events that happened in America on